OO Programming in Java
Class 6 Material
Class.forName can instantiate classes given a string.
An application was completed and released for beta testing. Users found that they liked the compactness of the existing GUI but wanted it to look like a telephone. This was made an option, BigView looked like a telephone, LittleView used buttons only.
First let's look at the Configuration file .....
#Bernie Environment Settings #Sat Jun 28 12:08:40 1997 SERVER=Bernie SENDER=poliquin MAILHOST=cats.ucsc.edu PASSWORD=casablanca PROVIDER=softcomp.com SLIPPATH=c:\\bernard\\slips.dat VIEW=LittleView
Code fragment from 'main'
String viewName = Configuration.instance().valueOf("VIEW"); try { theView = ((View) ((Class.forName(viewName)).newInstance())); } catch (InstantiationException e) {System.out.println("View Creation Error InstantiationException"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {System.out.println("View Creation Error ClassNotFoundException"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {System.out.println("View Creation Error IllegalAccessException"); }
viewName has the String "LittleView" from the Configuration file.
theView ends up with an instance of LittleView. Several exceptions can be thrown:
InstantiationException - interface or abstract class
ClassNotFoundException - no definition of the class could be found
IllegalAccessException - class is not publiuc and in another package.
Code changes:
The original view was subclassed .. with BigView, and LittleView
class BigView extends View { public void initialize(String aName){ this.widgets(new Hashtable()); this.widgets().put(aName,this); this.setLayout(null); this.theImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(). getImage("c:\\bernard\\pix\\bigBack.GIF");
class LittleView extends View{ public void initialize(String aName){ this.widgets(new Hashtable()); this.widgets().put(aName,this); this.setLayout(null); this.theImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(). getImage("c:\\bernard\\pix\\littleBack.GIF"); .
Only one method needed to be changed, initialize.